Master Informatique
Master of Science in Informatics
Directeur :  Pr. Younès Bennani
 Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (Paris XIII)-Institut Galilée, 99 Avenue J-B. Clément -93430 Villetaneuse, France
Secrétariat : Mme
Angélique Leite, Tél. : (+33) (0) 1 49 40 35 55 - Fax : (+33) (0) 1 49 40 33 66
E-mail : master.galilee [at]

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Année M2

Exploration Informatique des Données et Décisionnel (EID2)
Data Science & Machine Learning
Responsables : Pr. Younès Bennani
Anciennes promotions EID2 (depuis 2001)  Conseil de perfectionnement

Année M2
Science des Données (SD)
Data Science
  Responsable : Pr. Younès Bennani

Master international en double diplôme avec l'USMBA de Fès

Année M2

Programmation, Sûreté et Sécurité (P2S)
Programming, Safety and Security

Responsable : Pr. Etienne André


Master of Science in Informatics

Program objectives

The first year of the program is made of two core semesters of broad-spectrum Informatics classes. It gives students the necessary skills to tackle in-depths subjects in the second year of the program.

Program overview

The cornerstone of this Master's program in Informatics lays on a tight link bridging the university's research and teaching vocations. This strong connection is realized through elective orientation and discovery classes allowing students to define their professional goals. In the second year of the Master's program, part of the third semester offers several concentrations each with their specific curriculum, while still keeping a common core of foundational, discovery and cultural “TUs” (Teaching Units).

Performance assessment

•    Year-long tests and final exams
•    M1 (first year) thesis and M2 (second year) internship: written report and oral defense.

Admission requirements

•    M1: students can be admitted into the first year (M1) or second year (M2) of the program. In general however, admission is selective into the first year to any student holding a Bachelor's degree in informatics.

M1: Semester 1 (S1)

First week: Review (10 h of Algebra and 10 h of Analysis)

Foundational TU (1)

•    Advanced data structure (4 ECTS credits)
•    Fundamentals of programming (5 ECTS credits)
•    Database engineering (5 ECTS credits)

3 Discovery TUs

•    Algorithmic geometry (4 ECTS)
•    Dynamic systems specification (4 ECTS credits)
•    Exploratory data analysis (4 ECTS credits)
•    IT networks (4 ECTS credits)
•    Knowledge representation (4 ECTS credits)
•    Security and information theory (4 ECTS)
•    Transition systems & model checking (4 ECTS credits)

Transversal TU

•    English (2 ECTS credits)
•    Communication and Writing Techniques (2 ECTS credits)
•    Free (Sport, International Mobility, Associative Activity) (Bonus)

M1: Semester 2 (S2)

Foundational TU (2)

•    Compilation (5 ECTS credits)
•    Distributed Java programing (5 ECTS credits)

3 Orientation TUs

•    Algorithmics on words (4 ECTS credits)
•    Constraint programming (4 ECTS credits)
•    Distributed systems (4 ECTS credits)
•    Internet of Things (4 ECTS)
•    Matrix factorization methods for data mining (4 ECTS credits)
•    Operational research (4 ECTS credits)
•    Research initiation (4 ECTS)
•    System administration (4 ECTS credits)

Transversal TUs

•    English (2 ECTS credits)
•    Communication and Writing Techniques (2 ECTS credits)
•    Project leading and managing (4 ECTS credits)
•    Free (Sport, International Mobility, Associative Activity) (Bonus)